Friday, March 28, 2014

Where the Fuck is the Malaysian Plane?

By Ben
Alright so at this point I’m sure all of you have heard about the Malaysian plane that went missing. 239 passengers and the thing just vanishes into thin air. How is that possible? It’s not. It’s also hard to imagine someone landing this thing and tricking several countries radars. Whatever the case, here are a few possibilities that I think are feasible.
1) The plane was taken by a terrorist group or country to be used as a weapon.
Especially after 9/11 the United States is especially cautious when it comes to air traffic control and protection. It is feasible that an unknown party seized control of the plane with the intention of loading it full of explosives and using it in some sort of 9/11. However, for this to be possible, the group would have had to fly the plane through several countries radar systems undetected as well as land the plane (which is no easy task with a plane that big). It’s most likely not in a hangar since most hangars of the size needed for this plane are known by the government and most likely have already been searched. Now, it is possible that the airliner could have flown in another planes “shadow” (flying close enough that the two planes come up as one blip on a radar) and there WAS a plane heading the direction they diverted to, however they would have had to fly as close as 1000m for this to trick military radars. For this to be possible every single passenger on board must be dead (RIP). They could not simply collect phones, someone would find a way to hide it. They could have potentially flown to 45,000 ft and depressurized the cabin. Air masks would fall but they run out in 12-15 minutes. In this scenario the pilots too would perish unless they had a separate supply of oxygen which is entirely possible. Is it possible? Yes. Likely? Maybe not so much. Absolutely fucking terrifying if this is what happened? 100%.

2) terrorists shot it down as practice. 
Terrorists 100% do have the fire power to shoot this thing down. Why would I think they did it as practice and not simply an act of terrorism? If it was an intended act of terrorism the group responsible would have taken credit for it and tried to strike fear in the hearts of countries around the world. Instead, nobody says anything. Why else but they used it as a practice run unless they have some twisted underlying purpose. There are weapons that would annihilate this plane and leave no trace or debris to be found. Definitely feasible, however I think this option is unlikely.

3) Electrical malfunction on board caused an international incident.
It’s entirely possible that the electronics on board the plane malfunctioned which caused the plane to go into emergency protocol and change route to the nearest airport. This would explain the change of course without relay to the radio control towers. If this were to happen it is possible that the plane, unable to identify itself, could have been shot down by a country who detected it on its radar. A plane flying without lights and unable to identify itself is definitely a potential threat. After realizing what had happened, the country may have tried to cover it up to avoid being at fault of an international incident. However, if this were to be the case, the country would be digging itself into a bigger hole by keeping the plane hidden for this long.
4) Aliens.
Why is the Malaysian plane missing? Where did it go? Simple answer. Aliens. Why would aliens want one of our planes you ask? Who the fuck knows. They’re aliens. Maybe they want the 239 missing passengers? Maybe they want to put it in some alien museum on their homeworld? Maybe they’re just interested to see how we react. Whatever the case, this is an option simply because it cannot be proven otherwise.

And yes, I do think one of the 26 countries looking for this thing knows where it is. It’s just a matter of which one.

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