Monday, March 31, 2014

Chick Makes a Lego Resume

By Ben

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AOL"A college student made a resume out of LEGOs. She created a Lego version of herself, packaged it like the toy and put a resume inside!"

That'll certainly stand out from the pile. Bowman is majoring in Communication Studies at Northwestern University. She says a potential employer asked her to "create a piece of persuasive advertising with you as the product." Well, she literally did just that!

So I guess this chick made a lego model of herself, customized the package to feature her characteristics and submitted her resume with it? Genius. I wish I had thought of this. If this came across my desk I would instantly hire this chick. Its crazy, its different, its creative. Those are the kinds of people I would want working for me because these are the kinds of people who expand businesses. Seriously, I cannot give this chick enough credit. In today's day and age it's exceedingly difficult to differentiate yourself from your peers in what is an increasingly competitive market and this is the golden ticket to getting noticed.

What's weird to think about is what if crazy resume ideas like this become commonplace? What if every single person tries to do something unique and different to be noticed? Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? It's hard to tell. If everyone's different, you're all the same. 

With modern business evolving exponentially every time you blink this could be the next new thing to get hired. Get crazy, get creative, make yourself shine. Take after this chick ladies and gents, she clearly knows what she's doing. She's being noticed, and that's the name of the game. 

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